İstanbul escort lady aybike ha grandi did

I am aybike, a woman with big breasts. I am happy to provide you with an escort service in Istanbul. Generally, everyone recognizes me by my breasts. Even if they forget my name, when they say I’m a woman with big breasts, they immediately remember me. I am very popular here and those who know me know that. This girl is very hot and will impress everyone with her amazing body and breasts. There is no one who is not a fan of these big and beautiful breasts. If you want to meet me and my breasts, you can see me as an escort in Istanbul. Seriously, when you come, you’ll be amazed by my chest, dear. They are big and really natural, I didn’t need plastic surgery. In fact, they are hard and alive because they are natural. They are absolutely perfect.

Escort a girl in Istanbul

I only focused on Istanbul as a meeting place. I have a nice house here that is mine. I live alone in this house and I can receive you in my house. Or if you gain my trust, I can come to your house. But on the condition that his house remains within the boundaries of Istanbul. I can also call hotels, of course under the same conditions. After creating a plan together, there may be some sadness at the end of the meeting. After people talk to me about their work, they never leave. I think I’m addicted and I’m a very compatible person. It is very hard to find escort girls in Istanbul like me. Because everyone wants to see content and come back. Don’t worry, I’m very generous with my time. I never look at the clock during interviews.

Istanbul Escorts Istanbul

My request to gentlemen who read my profile to read it completely and correctly. Because I have criteria and I want to understand them. So as an Istanbul escort I only provide services in this region. I want you to know I don’t have sex and I will never do it with anyone. Anal sex is not for me, although there is 5 cm. The use of condoms is mandatory for everyone. I made this decision because I am here thinking about your health and mine. This is a very right decision, please don’t think that this decision can be changed. Also, the people I offer sexual services to can do whatever they want with my breasts. He always likes to stick to my breast and I like that too. So come call me dear.

Click to see my phone number and other escorts

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