Istanbul escorts who love Aycan oral sex

Hello guys. My name is Istanbul escort Aycan. I am a beautiful and hot cat. I’m only 25 years old. My height is 1.67 and my weight is 65. I am here for people who want to experience sex without limits. Especially when it comes to oral sex, I don’t know.

I am good and clean

Clothes and maintenance are always important. I am absolutely meticulous about it. I do my sport. I watch what I eat and drink. This way, I will face you in my best form. I don’t even have weight. I have a body like Aphrodite. With just a call, you can taste me and reach sexual heights in no time. So don’t wait for me.

I love all kinds of oral

When you say sex, I immediately think of oral. I have a lot of experience with it. I’m one of the best. I use my hands first. It’s important for me to feel this. Then comes a rare and warm place. After taking it across my lips, I shoved it down my throat. There is no way to describe the joy you will experience at this moment. You will feel only happiness.

Escort in Istanbul Of course, my services are not limited to this. I am also here for all fantasies and positions that are not oral. You can see my taste from behind by wearing a condom. Anal sex is one of my favorites. Because my most private place is so narrow, you and I can go above the cloud.

You can do it in any position you want. Leave control to me or you will control me. Everything is in your hands. The most important thing is to ejaculate like crazy thanks to the greatest pleasure. You can easily do this on my lips and face.

My prices are reasonable

I offer my escort services in Istanbul for a fee. I buy as TL and also by hand. So I don’t have a system like ATM. Besides, hotels have always been my favorite. Of course it has to be reliable and stellar. My phone is always on. You can contact us whenever you want. If I don’t answer, please leave a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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