Unlimited hand performing deepthroat in istanbul

Hi guys, my name is Istanbul escort Hande. I am a beautiful girl from Istanbul. I’m only 22 years old. But I had great experiences with sex. In this way, I fulfill all kinds of expectations from the gentlemen who prefer me. My height is 1.69 and my weight is 73.

Experience the thrill of deep throat

As an escort girl in Istanbul, I have no problem fulfilling my deep throat fantasy. Oral sex is always part of sex. But I do it in different ways. I use my hand first. Immediately after that comes the turn of the part. I was out of breath when I shoved it down my throat. So you will be surprised by my great services.

My various services are waiting for you

I will surely live up to the expectations with the services I provide and the details are as follows;

I am a foreplay girl and I don’t save at this time time. It was so easy for you to enjoy the moment, to explore my entire body. My legs, breasts and other parts attract attention with their size. Although anal sex is frowned upon by many, I don’t feel like a woman. I always put my most beautiful, narrow zone at the service of the masters. This way you will have a different experience and take advantage of the opportunity at the same time. I offer not only for money, but always for mutual pleasure. I treat gentlemen in a special way. I will approach like a lover. First, it is possible to talk about sex. This is how I meet different people.

I have no restrictions on their provision and presentation.

Just call me on the phone

Istanbul Escort Girl You can request an appointment by receiving instant information regarding the call. All you have to do is dial the magic numbers. I immediately answer the phone in a very provocative tone. Among the places I usually like, hotels always come first. In addition, the apartments are also for their convenience. It is an honor to welcome the gentlemen who have placed great trust in my house.

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